
Bishop's Articles

Dealing With Internal Agents of Poverty

Posted by Benjamin Dagbo (admin) on Apr 19 2015 under
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By Archbishop-Elect Dr. Solomon O. Gbakara

An agent can be defined as a causative substance such as chemical substance, organism or natural spiritual force that causes an effect. Most of the times, we look at external agents such as Witches and Wizards, household wickedness and the likes to blame for the poverty that is being experienced in our society. However, looking critically at this issue we may discover the activities of internal agents as being responsible.

These internal agents can also be referred to as people internal enemies of our progress. A lot of people pamper and cherish these agents not knowing that they are responsible for their poverty.

What then are these internal agents of poverty?

1.    Laziness: it is the habit of not wanting to do anything. It is a lay about attitude. A lot of people do not want to labour hard before they become rich and this is responsible for a lot of vices in our society today. Proverbs 24:30 – 34. It is even amazing to find some Christians at work praying or studying the word when they are supposed to be working.  This is simply laziness. If such a person is sacked, he will blame it on household wickedness, Proverbs 6:6 – 11, Proverbs 12:24, 2 Thess 3:10 – 11.

2.    Pride: it is the feeling of superiority, haughty attitude shown by somebody who believes often unjustifiably that he/she is better than others. Some people think high of them selves that they are actually and consequently class themselves. This has made them not to do certain jobs. When God wants them to start from a small business and grow, they feel they cannot do it because it belittles their status. Thus they miss God’s chance to bless them and they end up in poverty Job 8:7.

3.    Procrastination: is the habit of postponing what can be done today to another day. Procrastination is the thief of time. It is giving excuses why certain thing cannot be done. A lot of people have missed their opportunity to be great in life as a result of postponing what they can do today till tomorrow. When they asked some people to bring quotation for a project or an application for a job placement for a particular period they will take it there late and the job or project is giving to another. This habit leads to lack and poverty.

4.    Bad Attitude: attitude is what you do everyday it has been rightly observed that ones attitude in life determines ones altitude in life.  If you have seen someone who is carefree in life then you have seen someone who cannot succeed in life.

5.    Worry and Anxiety: it is borrowing from yesterday and tomorrow to spoil the good program of today Matt 6:25 – 34. Some people worried themselves so that they programmed themselves out of the goodness of God for their selves. Worry and Anxiety has paralyzed the destiny of a lot of people such that when they supposed to take a step of faith into their break through they remained on the same spot. Consequently they are poverty ridden.

What to do to deal with these Agents:
1.    Do a self examination to determine the presence of these agents in your life.
2.    Make a deliberate attempt to get rid of them if found in your life.
3.    Pray aggressive prayer of deliverance to be delivered from these internal agents of poverty.
4.    finally ask Jesus to come into your life.


1.    O Lord open my eyes to my land of prosperity.
2.    I refuse to fish in fishless water.
3.    I come out of the wilderness of life by fire.
4.    I shall not eat in the dustbin of life.
5.    Father Lord give me pleasant surprises in my business this year.
6.    O God of heaven distinguish me among my equal this year.
7.    I paralyze every satanic conspiracy against my success this year.


Last changed: Apr 23 2015 at 12:36 AM



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